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رُکُن کَتھ:Rishabhbhat

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نٔو موضوٗع
وِکیٖلۄغَتھ پؠٹھٕ

Rishabh ji can you create same templates which you have done for hindi,German, urdu for the other languages : French (فرانسیٖسی), Spanish (ہِسپٲنوی), Russian (روٗس) and Tamil (تٲمِل) so that later in the evening I can update all pages with that format. Can you also add the category common noun (عام ناوٕتؠ) and proper noun (خاص ناوٕتؠ) in the templates too in the all the languages so that there is no need to add manually the category. Thanks.

Imran Ji I will, most definitely, however I need to know do Russian, French , Spanish and Tamil have a gender system like Kashmiri, and do we have a neutral gender category? And should I make a category of m/f/n in the Noun section or like "male proper nouns" and "male common nouns" etc? Have a good day Rishabhbhat (talk) ١١:٢١, ٣ جولائی ٢٠٢١ (UTC)

Thank you so much Rishabh ji ☺️ Russian French and Spanish are of the same pattern like in Kashmiri. Whereas Tamil is in the same pattern of English. Carry on with the same pattern like you did in your previous templates. It's perfect. I confirmed for neutral gender there is no in kashmiri. We have either masculine or feminine. Add it your templates like you did earlier for Kashmiri the category common noun in it. Thank you again for your brilliant work. You are amazing as usual.

User:Imranqazi90 ji I propose that we divide nouns ->common and proper and then common/proper can be divided further into m/f/n. I have done it for Russian and French, can you check it? Example for a male french common noun is فرانسیٖسی نَر عام ناوٕتؠ . Rishabhbhat (talk) ١٣:٢٠, ٣ جولائی ٢٠٢١ (UTC)

User:Rishabhbhat ok It works fine for me. But two categories should come on page. First the common noun then its gender. (فرانسیٖسی عام ناوٕتؠ) (فرانسیٖسی نَر عام ناوٕتؠ) . Make it then for all the languages please. (Imranqazi90 (talk) ١٣:٢٧, ٣ جولائی ٢٠٢١ (UTC))

User:Imranqazi90 ji I have done all except German, because I wanted to ask if we have a section of neuter-gender nouns in German, because I cannot find it. I know Kashmiri doesn't have it.

Also, should I add an ipa parameter in the templates? It would make it much cleaner, like


Rishabhbhat (talk) ١٥:٣٥, ٣ جولائی ٢٠٢١ (UTC)

User: Rishabhbhat ji, Excellent work brother. I have created neuter gender categories both for german and russian (I forgot to mention that Russian also has neuter gender). Please find them under the title (زٲژ:جَرمَن جِنسہٕ چھٔنؠ عام ناوٕتؠ) and (زٲژ:روٗسی جِنسہٕ چھٔنؠ ناوٕتؠ) respectively. I think it is a brilliant idea to add ipa parameter. It would look much more better. Love it. What symbol do you propose for neuter gender in template when you will add (جِنسہٕ چھٔنؠ) to the g template ? Will it be n with the output (ج چھ) ? (Imranqazi90 (talk) ١٩:١١, ٣ جولائی ٢٠٢١ (UTC))

User:Imranqazi90 sorry for lateness in response, but I was asleep by the time you sent the reply. Yes, it will be with the parameter "n" in the gender template, and yes the symbol for (جِنسہٕ چھٔنؠ) will be (ج چھ). I have added it in all templates with the ipa parameter. I will start standardizing all pages probably in a few hours. Rishabhbhat (talk) ١٠:٣٨, ٤ جولائی ٢٠٢١ (UTC)

User:Rishabhbhat No worries my dear brother. I am myself sorry for late reply. Didn't have a good day. Up and downs with life as I lost few months back my grandfather and as I am not in India currently things are complicated. I have replaced (جِنسہٕ چھٔنؠ) by (نٔتھؠ) as the former is used with another word such as neuter gender common noun, adjectives etc. So I have given the output (نٔت) in the g template. Have a beautiful day ahead. Thanks for the correction of common to proper noun in Kashmiri. I had edited in haste as days of the week differ in terms of common to proper noun. For example in English, German, Hindi, Urdu,Kashmiri they are regarded as a proper noun whereas in French,Spanish, Russian they are common nouns. I wish you a nice starting of the week. (Imranqazi90 (talk) ١٨:١٤, ٤ جولائی ٢٠٢١ (UTC))

Imran ji I am so sorry for your loss. May his soul rest in peace.

Thank you dear brother for your support and condolences. (Imranqazi90 (talk) ٠٩:٥٨, ٥ جولائی ٢٠٢١ (UTC))

User:Rishabhbhat Post your bot request on our ks wiktionary community portal in which I can extend my support so that you can update your request for bot on meta by updating the discussion link. Otherwise They won't accept it as local talk discussion link is not accepted there. Thanks Imranqazi90 (talk) ٠٩:٥٣, ٢٧ جولائی ٢٠٢١ (UTC)

@Imranqazi90 it is here: https://ks.wiktionary.org/wiki/Wiktionary:Bots; which says it is the page for bot requests. Thanks a lot for your support. I'll correct the devanagari mistakes immediately.

رِشَبھ بھَٹ - ऋषभ भट (talk) ١٠:١٠, ٢٧ جولائی ٢٠٢١ (UTC)

@Rishabhbhat ji sorry brother I didn't see it. I will extend right away my support. Don't forget to update the local discussion link on meta and reply to the Stewart that you have made the changes. Ok Brother make the corrections. I will check later in the day if there are some pending mistakes and delete the misspelled pages. You are a fantastic person with whom I enjoy to work with it. Stay blessed and keep up your fantastic contributions :) Imranqazi90 (talk) ١٠:٢٤, ٢٧ جولائی ٢٠٢١ (UTC)

@Imranqazi90 thank you very much for those kind words.

رِشَبھ بھَٹ - ऋषभ भट (talk) ١٠:٥١, ٢٧ جولائی ٢٠٢١ (UTC)

@Rishabhbhat ji Brother can you please create template noun form for punjabi and sindhi on the same pattern of فرما:sd-adv and فرما:sd-adv I created. I am asking you because I couldn't make it by coping the ks noun template. Imranqazi90 (talk) ٠٢:١٥, ٢٨ جولائی ٢٠٢١ (UTC)

@Rishabhbhat ji Brother can you also update the adjective and numeral templates with your new format with the help of your bot so that it takes less time. Take your time. No hurry. Whenever you can. Thanks. Imranqazi90 (talk) ١٤:٥٩, ٢٨ جولائی ٢٠٢١ (UTC)

@Imranqazi90 numerals I can do. But adjectives are tricky as some languages have genders and others don't. Can you add the gender systems of languages that you know about in this line in head module: Module:head#L-64. Meanwhile I'll add the numerals.

رِشَبھ بھَٹ - ऋषभ भट (talk) ١٥:١٠, ٢٨ جولائی ٢٠٢١ (UTC)


Thank you brother Ok I will do it later in the evening. Please check for example German or english pages. The gender is not displaying properly with a bracket issue. And please put back نٔتھؠ as neuter only instead of jinsü chaeny which is too long. Catch you later Imranqazi90 (talk) ١٥:٣٤, ٢٨ جولائی ٢٠٢١ (UTC)

@Imranqazi90 I changed it to jinsi chaeny as that is the category name for german and Russian.

رِشَبھ بھَٹ - ऋषभ भट (talk) ١٥:٣٧, ٢٨ جولائی ٢٠٢١ (UTC)

@Rishabhbhat oh my bad, I get it that it was for category. Thought it was for the change in name. Brother I can see an error at Auge as it is displaying : with a bracket if you can see. There wasn't that bracket before.

It used to be displayed like the word hermana

@Rishabhbhat I hope you understood what I meant.

Imranqazi90 (talk) ١٥:٤٢, ٢٨ جولائی ٢٠٢١ (UTC)

@Imranqazi90 ji am fixing it. رِشَبھ بھَٹ - ऋषभ भट (talk)

@Rishabhbhat ji ok Brother. I saw that it is mostly the neuter genders words having this problem. So German, Russian and Sanskrit neuter words pages. Imranqazi90 (talk) ١٦:٣١, ٢٨ جولائی ٢٠٢١ (UTC)

@Imranqazi90  Fixed Good night for now, as it is getting late in India. I won't be replying to anything now. Tomorrow I'll create all the noun and adj templates after you add the gendered languages.

رِشَبھ بھَٹ - ऋषभ भट (talk) ١٦:٥٣, ٢٨ جولائی ٢٠٢١ (UTC)

@Rishabhbhat  Fixed For the genders on module. Yes create all the templates with your bot. Also create for numeral too as sindhi and punjabi are missing. Perhaps you will need to also update the kashmiri numeral template according to your new format. I have also blocked that user who kept creating nonesense content as he did it twice today. Have a beautiful day tomorrow. Stay blessed. Imranqazi90 (talk) ٢١:٥١, ٢٨ جولائی ٢٠٢١ (UTC)

@Rishabhbhat ji brother sorry to bother I was seen that there is quite an inconsistance with the gender on pages : for example : दिन in hindi section masculine shows up only as نَر whereas we check the kashmiri word دۄہ it shows up as نَر عام ناوُت. Before it used to be just as نَر which was fine. Likewise with the neuter gender in the same page दिन for Sanskrit, it is now showing نٔتھؠ عام ناوُت whereas before it was simply as نٔتھؠ. Please fix it. Thank you Imranqazi90 (talk)

@Imranqazi90 ji that I have added on purpose in the head module, if you see line 97 . It is not there in the Hindi because hi-noun does not use head yet. I am going to update all noun templates to use the head template today. Good morning! (At least in my time zone)

رِشَبھ بھَٹ - ऋषभ भट (talk) ٠٣:٢٧, ٢٩ جولائی ٢٠٢١ (UTC)

@Rishabhbhat Good evening to you brother (for me it's early afternoon 1.38pm) ok Brother I understand. Please check for the feminine gender as yesterday when I checked the feminine words as gender it showed just مادٕ instead of مادٕ عام ناوُت so that it follows the same pattern. I don't know if you just copy pasted from ks numeral and ks adj and ks adv, but in the sindhi and Punjabi templates you just created I saw that you kept the stem thing. I personally feel it's not required for them but just for our Kashmiri entries. I will come later in the evening in Wiktionary. Stay blessed and have a beautiful evening. The word hermana you will see when you put the mouse on م it will show only as مادٕ Imranqazi90 (talk) ١١:٣٨, ٢٩ جولائی ٢٠٢١ (UTC)

@Imranqazi90 aah yes you're right, I copy pasted. I'll change it immediately. For hermana when I hover I can see the full "madi aam navut". Maybe for you it is showing from browser cache? Have a good day.

BTW I've created all the noun and adjective templates. Let me know if there is any other bot task to be run. رِشَبھ بھَٹ - ऋषभ भट (talk) ١١:٤٧, ٢٩ جولائی ٢٠٢١ (UTC)

@Rishabhbhat It is showing now brother. yesterday it wasn't. Yes you can create verb templates with your bot and update the existing ones with your new format. Please remove also stem from pa and sd numerals as well. Imranqazi90 (talk) ١٤:٤٩, ٢٩ جولائی ٢٠٢١ (UTC)

@Imranqazi90 I think we should make each language's verb template separately as each has its own peculiarities. E.g. Sanskrit has roots and Atmanepada/Parasmaipada, Kashmiri has stems and conjugation 1/2/3.. etc. If there is any specific pattern you want to be followed I can do it. .

رِشَبھ بھَٹ - ऋषभ भट (talk) ١٤:٥٧, ٢٩ جولائی ٢٠٢١ (UTC)

@Rishabhbhat Yes sorry I didn't take that factor into account. Better do it manually then. I thought it would be a simple verb template with just adding the verbs in its infinitive mode and not with details of conjugation and all as some languages I have no knowledge of its conjugated forms. Can you please fix sindhi adverb's template too as it is the only one remaining. Imranqazi90 (talk) ١٥:٠٤, ٢٩ جولائی ٢٠٢١ (UTC)

@Imranqazi90 done. BTW good that you fixed the gari page 😁 رِشَبھ بھَٹ - ऋषभ भट (talk) ١٥:١١, ٢٩ جولائی ٢٠٢١ (UTC)

@Rishabhbhat Thank you brother :) Yes finally I am so relieved as it was really so annoying to have garü treated as home page and not a dictionary entry :D Imranqazi90 (talk) ١٥:١٥, ٢٩ جولائی ٢٠٢١ (UTC)

Suggestion for Vulgar Latin


@Rishabhbhat Good evening brother, I wanted your suggestion for the Kashmiri name for Vulgar Latin whose code is la-vul. I was thinking of عام لاطیٖنی as it was the everyday form of Latin that was spoken by the common people. Imranqazi90 (talk) ٢٢:١٥, ١٩ اَگست ٢٠٢١ (UTC)

@Imranqazi90 👍 seems good. عام لاطیٖنی or عَوامی لاطیٖنی both work.
Also I have a request for you. If you check Special:Abuselog there are certain spambots that are attempting to spam the site. Please block them before any of their actions escapes the abuse filter and causes damage. رِشَبھ بھَٹ - ऋषभ भट (talk) ١٠:٤٧, ٢٠ اَگست ٢٠٢١ (UTC)

@Rishabhbhat I blocked them brother. Thank you for your support for extension of admin rights :) Imranqazi90 (talk) ١١:٤٧, ٢٠ اَگست ٢٠٢١ (UTC)

No problem. You deserve it. رِشَبھ بھَٹ - ऋषभ भट (talk) ١٢:٣٥, ٢٠ اَگست ٢٠٢١ (UTC)